About Yoni Gems

Yoni Egg Crystal Guide
Calling upon the wisdom of nature to restore health and connect with our feminine essence. For graceful transition through all life stages & levels of health.
What is a Yoni Egg Crystal?
A yoni egg crystal is a gemstone that is harvested from a rock quarry and then carved into the shape of an egg.
We place the egg inside our yoni to maintain optimal health, reach more powerful orgasms, practice kegels and enhance the sensual experience of making love with a partner.
Many different gemstones are carved into yoni eggs to support both our physical health and metaphysical healing.
What Does a Yoni Crystal Egg do?
A consistent yoni egg practice supports the healing of feminine imbalances including:
Increase/Enhance Libido & Reawaken Sensuality - Menstrual Pain & PMS
Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles - Uterine Prolapse & Incontinence
Balance Estrogen Levels - Increase Sensitivity
Infertility - Promotes Nerve Growth
Increase Natural Lubrication pre/post Menopause - Tighten Vaginal Walls
Easier Childbirth (less tissue damage) - Circulation & Blood Flow
Enhance Intimacy - Natural Tool for Kegel Exercises
Experience Vaginal Orgasms - Promote Postpartum Healing
Increase Circulation & Blood Flow to organs & muscles
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a yoni?
Yoni means sacred temple and is the Sanskrit word for vagina. Using the word yoni instead of vagina is a way that wombyn can reclaim our femininity by honoring our sacred temple; our vessel to create life and birth joy, abundance, creativity and meaning into our world.
How does a yoni egg work?
The yoni egg is an ancient tool that wombyn have used for centuries to support our physical health, sensual potency and spiritual transformation. For those wombyn who have either never had a vaginal orgasm or have had merely a few sparks here and there, a consistent yoni egg practice can awaken your sexual potential and allow you to reach states of heightened pleasure that you may have never felt before. Keep reading, it gets better!
Physical body: Strengthening and tightening our yoni muscles and pelvic floor improve the physical health of our sexual organs. Healthy sexual organs mean healthy menstrual cycles with decreased pain, cramping and PMS. They banish issues with dryness, combat incontinence, prevent prolapse and reward us by increasing our sexual libido. By practicing our yoni egg exercises, we increase blood flow and circulation to this area of our body. Fresh blood flow increases sensitivity, waking up nerve endings and building new pathways of sensation that equate to stronger, more frequent orgasms.
Spiritual body: Practicing with our yoni egg crystal connects us with the spiritual core of who we are, giving us a chance to experience our Selves when no one else is around. Our vulnerable spirit gets the opportunity to both become empowered and release fear around any sexual distress we have been holding onto... distress that may be blocking us from having a fully expressed experience with a partner. Our personal yoni egg practice allows us to unleash our passion and dive into the discovery of a deep and loving relation with our yoni, our sacred temple and portal of creation, our femininity and our body. Ancient Taoist tradition speaks to the powers of a strong yoni intensifying our “chi” - our “life-force energy”. By building our internal chi through our yoni egg practice, we can more easily access our own spiritual energy, channelling that outward to connect with the raw spirit of all Creation.
Where does the yoni egg practice come from?
In recorded herstory, wombyn have been practicing with yoni eggs dating back 5,000 years. Secret documents from Empresses in the Royal Palace of China describe how they used eggs carved out of jade gemstone to harness their sexual power, rouse sensuality and maintain elevated health through all life stages.
How do I choose my size?
Yoni eggs come in 3 sizes. Large, Medium and Small. We begin our practice with the large egg that is easiest for us to grip and work our way gradually down to the small egg as our dexterity grows. The larger the egg, the easier it is for our muscles to grip it. If you have never practiced with a yoni egg before, you may find it difficult to keep in for any length of time. You can begin your practice sitting or lying down. Have patience with yourself as you build strength and muscle memory. The pyramids weren't built in a day!
What is the difference between drilled and undrilled yoni eggs?
Drilled eggs have a hole for a string to be attached for easy removal. Undrilled eggs do not. Many wombyn choose drilled yoni eggs to begin their practice because they have fear that their egg will get stuck. Don't stress sisters, that egg is coming out whether it is drilled or not! All you need to do is trust yourself, relax your muscles and give your egg a squeeze. Use your drilled egg for advanced kegel exercises by pulling the string to add resistance during your sets, or attach weights to the string for vaginal weight lifting. YES, this is a real thing! Wombyn are lifting all kinds of things with their yoni and you can too! This is an amazing way to strengthen your pelvic floor and discover superpowers you didn't know that you possess. Ultimately, choosing between drilled and undrilled is up to you; so take a moment to feel into your yoni egg intention and your body will guide you to the correct choice.
Will a drilled egg affect the healing energy of the crystal?
Absolutely not. A crystals energy does not change with the addition of a hole. Take a moment to think of the millions of crystal gemstones that have been carved into statues, jewelry and sacred ceremonial pieces over the centuries. Their metaphysical properties were not destroyed with the alteration of their original structure and the same rule of thumb goes for your precious yoni egg crystal.
How will I feel after practicing with my yoni egg?
Wombs and crystals both have the gift of storing our information as we are exposed to experiences, relationships and trauma. You can work with your yoni egg crystal to cultivate love for your unique Self, transmuting that which no longer serves you for the healing of your body and spirit.
How do I know which yoni egg crystal is right for me?
Every crystal gemstone has its own set of metaphysical properties for healing, spiritual elevation, protection and enhancing different energies, moods and circumstances. Crystals have a funny way of choosing us. Use your intuition to tune into which gemstone you are naturally drawn to. You may also do some research. This may be a great place to start tapping into your connection with your womb. Try asking her which gemstone feels best for you.
How do I clean my yoni egg crystal?
It is necessary to clean your yoni egg before insertion. Always handle your yoni egg with clean hands. Warm salt water baths with pink Himalayan salt or unscented castile soap such as Dr. Bronner's are great options for keeping your yoni egg hygienic and ready to be placed in your sacred temple. NO scented soaps! Antibacterial soaps may be used if your yoni egg comes in contact with the ground, the inside of a toilet or any unsanitary surface. For auric cleansing of your crystal, sage or palo santo may be used. Your yoni egg will appreciate bathing in the moonlight every once in a while to be cleared from the energy that it picks up from being in your creation center.
What kind of string do I use for a drilled yoni egg?
Dental floss is commonly used because it is strong enough to withstand us tugging on it, easy to purchase and abundant! For those of us who resonate on a more natural, perhaps sexier vibe, unbleached and non-dyed silk thread or hemp twine are safe and hygienic options. Take care to make sure the fibers are in their natural state. Many wombyn choose hemp twine for its durability with yoni weightlifting. We recommend changing the string after each use.
Why use Sacred Lotus Yoni Eggs?
Take care when choosing where you purchase your yoni egg crystal. There are a lot of imposters out there who carry cheap, man-made stones dyed with dangerous chemicals that are harmful to our physical body and don't feel good in our sacred yoni! Sacred Lotus carries 100% genuine natural gemstones with GIA Certification. If we do not have the crystal you desire displayed on our website, send us an email. We may be able to order one especially for you.
How can I be sure the grinding of the crystals has not involved chemical processes or any other procedure, and is it relevant whether stones are porous, and thus not fully smooth and able to be cleansed?
All of our crystals are above a MOHS hardness rate of 6.5 which is how you know they are not porous and are able to be fully cleansed. All of our crystals are shaped using a hot wax process over the cheaper and quicker hot oil prices which damages the integrity of the crystal ad you mentioned. They are all GIA Certified and come with downloadable certificates to price they are natural and unaltered gemstones. They are also organic, sustainable/ethically harvested and fairly traded from earth to yoni so you can be assured your sacred healing tool is energetically matched to support your womb healing.

When not to use an Egg:
If you have a vaginal infection, including: yeast and UTI (urinary tract infection)
If you have an internal herpes or HPV outbreak
During at- risk pregnancies that include: medical complications, multiple miscarriages, weak uterus cases.
During your menstrual cycle as it is recommended to allow your uterus to release during this time
Caution: If you have an IUD of any kind, it is recommended to use either an undrilled yoni egg or a yoni egg with a horizontally drilled hole to avoid the risk of the string tangling with the wires of the IUD.
To the Sister, Goddess, Mother, Crone, Priestess, Healer, Maiden, Medicine Wombyn...
Sacred Lotus exists to bring the joy, ceremony and ritual to our feminine cycles and connection to creation. Find a sacred space for your personal yoni egg practice, perhaps your bedroom or living room. Light candles and play relaxing music you love. Set intention for your healing and what you wish to achieve and feel through this practice. Infuse your yoni egg crystal with your love and dreams! It is up to you. Your personal yoni egg practice is as sacred as you want it to be. As you continue to practice, you will feel empowered with the wisdom and divine spark of generations of wombyn stepping into their feminine birthright. Welcome the gratitude flowing from your body, heart and spirit connection. Love your Self and find yourself open to receive love from all beings!
Need some Yoni Guidance?
Check out these guided Yoni Egg exercises on Soundcloud, or schedule a 1:1 coaching session with Sabrina herself.