Soul Work with a
Woman’s Wellness Guide
You are being called on a high level to live in your authentic truth.
You may have tears streaming down your face with the soul recognition that you were meant to live your life unapologetically WHO YOU ARE.
- Divine - Sovereign - Lit up - Exquisite -
You were not intended to fit into the picket fence, to martyr your needs and desires. You were not built from the blood and sweat of your ancestors to melt away, drowning in social media and comparison fears that you will never get to live the life of your dreams. You have a great purpose here. You are encoded with a unique soul blueprint that no other on earth carries.
Your Spirit is a glorious spark of the Great Goddess herself.
This truth will always burn in your Eternal Heart.
You are here to claim the vision of your wild primal desires. Right here, right now, grounded and rooted in earth wisdom and the true magic of determined purpose, born of your Sacred Mission.
You are here to unpack the burdens and traumas of your Ancestors… because you have been chosen. Your Lineage has been praying for you. Your grandmothers are all standing behind you, supporting you, lifting you up, whispering in your ears:
It is time for you to be who you came here to be, and in that process deeply honoring all Grandmothers who courageously paved the path before you were born.
Can you Taste it?
You are Whole and Holy.
Come to the hearth of healing and let’s sit together, nourished by the flames of Self Love.
Come dance with me
Ignited by the fires of Desire
Embodying the serpentine movement of the Temple Priestess
Let’s adorn ourselves with the gems of our dreams, bowing to the great mystery of our open insatiable hearts.
We will Pray
In devotion
We will Move
In embodied vision
We will Play
In the waters of desire
We will Howl at the Moon
A sisterhood bound by blood
We will release drop by drop the wounds you carry…
Of betrayal
Of heartache
Of abandonment
And take up the bonds of sisterhood
Belonging to a tribe that sees you and is available to hold space for ALL PARTS OF YOU.
You don’t have to hide anymore
You don’t have to pretend
We want you just as you are - messy, sweaty and here to birth a new paradigm of sovereign free choice. An earth where all get to choose the fate of our own wombs.
From Maiden to Mother to Wisdom Keeper.
The Four legged, the Winged ones, the Plantcestors.
Will you stand with your tribe of sistars, brothers and all who walk the red road?
And together change the world
Write our Living Legacy
Leave Pachamama more harmonious than how we found her.
Daughters of the Flame, Wind, Sea and Soil.
You are the Jewel within the Lotus.
Your Song moves Mountains.
You are the Shift you have been asking for.
Come, Medicine Woman.
Take your rightful place and claim your Birthright.
Do not deny us your Gifts any longer.
Let’s unite Wombs and Rise Together.
In Divine Service
Sabrina is the Founder of Sacred Lotus Yoni Steam, a Certified V Steam Therapist and Temple Body Priestess ordained by the Mystery School of Living Tantra & Sacred Sensuality. She is a Sensual Arts Guide weaving the shamanic rituals of crystal healing through yoni gems and wands. As a movement artist and 200RYT Raja yoga teacher, she is the Creatrix behind Yoni Soul Medicine, a spiritual dance movement that ignites sensual womb healing. M.A. of Communication Studies, Radiant Wildheart M.B.A., Sacred Storyteller & Published Author.
She is deeply honored as an adopted member and Ambassador for Women and Children of the Choctaw Muskogee Yamassee Nation (CMYN). As the co-Founder and Director of Community Outreach of 501c-3 non-profit The Natural Leaders Foundation, she has brought free holistic programs to at-risk youth for the past 12 years to underserved communities around the world. In devout service, this is her dharma.
A Ceremonialist, Sabrina is honored to share ancient feminine wisdoms; revealing how to unlock the blood codes of our feminine intuition and restore menstrual health and balance to the womb through all life stages and phases. She guides women to reconnect to our primal nature through sacred yoni ritual.
Sabrina initiates women in the feminine arts of pleasure, passion and purpose. She hosts workshops and retreats from the Catskill Mountains of New York to the Jungles of Costa Rica, sharing ancient medicine traditions and the benefits of the Sensual Healing Arts. She is a published writer and shares her practice with both private clients and leading wellness practitioners on podcasts and the online space.
Sabrina embodies the innerwork through her own daily rituals and connection to her womb. Please see below for her services to the Sacred Yoni. 1:1 Mentorship with Sabrina is a commitment to release that which does not serve your highest soul purpose, courageously clearing the space to plant the seeds for your deepest desires to blossom and manifest into your life.
Shonabish. A’ho. Shalom. Blessed Be.
Womb Rituals:
Embodiment & Spiritual Guidance
How do you access the voice of your womb, expanding into the innate wisdom that pulses through your Temple Body? How do you listen to the whispers of your intuition and trust the visions you receive? How do you break free from the invisible chains that are keeping you from realizing your full potential and stepping into the version of your Self that you see in your highest moments of connected sovereign purpose?
There are ceremonies to heal when you have been
Broken by those you trust
Violated in body and spirit
Addicted to love and substance.
There are ways to remember how to
Honor the rivers and mountains of your temple
Sit with yourself in loving silence
Embrace all parts of yourself
Get silly, sexy and overflowing
Your womb is a sacred garden that holds All. It is time to tend to your soils.
You are an energetic channel with the power to magnetize your desires. Perhaps you are seeking tools, rituals, practices and invocations to learn how to face your own shadows and release the traumas burdening your womb.
Guided by the wisdom of my ancestors, teachers and my own lived experience from numbness to pleasure, I am here to share with you the rituals, and methods to activate your life-giving power center through Embodiment Journeys to unlock the magic of your Womb and open the red gates of your feminine essence to healing.
Via Zoom, I will guide you through:
Menstrual Analysis - V Steam Therapy Restore Balance to your Menstrual Cycle w. Analysis, Protocol & Custom Yoni Steam Herbs
Fertility Counseling Journey -V Steam Therapy & Spiritual Womb Clearing w. Analysis, Protocol, Yoni Steam Herbs & Guided Support
1:1 Sacred Lotus Mentorship - Personalized for your Healing, Embodiment & Sacred Business
1:1 Womb Wisdom Coaching - Womb Rituals: Embodiment & Spiritual Guidance
1:1 Guided Yoni Egg Journey - Balance Pelvic Floor Disfunction, Learn Techniques & Sacred Initiation
1:1 Guided Yoni Dearmouring Session - Release Blockages & Learn to Receive Pleasure
1:1 Soul Medicine Guided Dance Session Temple Dance, Yoga, Affirmations & Sensual Self-Expression
15 Minute Discovery Call - Let’s Connect on your heart calling
IG Live Bookings - Press & Speaking Engagements
The mentorship I have had with Sabrina has been nothing short of LIFE CHANGING. I have had such incredible healing and expansion through working with her. I love how beautifully she holds space for big emotions and stories while compassionately holding me accountable to how I may be adding to the cycle.
The mysticism of the Divine Feminine that she holds is truly inspiring and she has brought out the feminine within me, in so many more ways than I thought possible! Through her I have a deeper understanding of not only the feminine essence, but of my feminine body than I ever thought possible. I am so grateful for the healing journey we've been on through the cycles I've perpetuated through my lifetime(s).
I am so thrilled to also have been on the journey of embracing my body through motherhood with Sabrina. From healing from my first pregnancy with her knowledge of feminine anatomy and herbs, then learning to LOVE my menstrual cycle, and right through her guiding me through a conscious conception and pregnancy with the little Soul growing inside me now! I have a deep connection to my womb and body now and am surprised every time we meet when that connection gets even deeper!
I am so thankful for her guidance, medicine, mysticism, and radiant JOY that she brings to every session. I've found an incredible mentor, and also a wonderful friend.
Sabrina is pure magic!
Colleen Murphy, Magical Mama
“You are amazing 💗I did the yoni steam last night just like you said with a skirt and yoga mat, room dimly lit with salt lamp. Was quite the experience, first difficult, then easing my way into it, feeling so good. Laid in bed after with a heating pack and integrated then had the most amazing dream, with definite divine communications. I woke up in a slight mugwort haze 😉feeling like a new woman and so grateful. Uti is gone! And I feel so much more connected to myself. It is the most enjoyable time I have had with myself in my room. Ever. I definitely felt the love and intention that goes into the herbs and that helped so much in giving myself love and release. Thank you soooo much for gifting me the steam and for your inspiring words and energy. I didn't know how much I needed this... what divine timing 💖 You are a natural born leader and You Rock!!! 💋💕💕💕” -Tara Sita
“Sabrina is deeply committed and passionate about supporting women to understand the power of having a healthy womb through yoni steaming. With a deep knowledge and love for yoni steaming, I feel very held in her presence and leadership. I recommend working with Sabrina if you’re desiring to find a healthier and stronger relationship with your feminine body.” -Sandival
“I have a feeling that if any of my tears fall today, it will only be tears of JOY. My siStar Sabrina helped remind me of the love I have within me, my gifts, my joy, and my confidence as a woman. Forever grateful and so happy to walk around this land and our tribal home with lovein my heart and a new awareness of myself and my life in this moment.” -Star Phoenix Lee
You are Here.
If not now,
then when?